Sapir, a serious and well-liked 18 year-old girl, has lived at an Emunah Children’s Centre for eight years. At the tender age of 8, Sapir lost her mother and was left at home with her abusive, alcoholic father and her seven older siblings. Sapir, the second youngest, was in crisis and was a very angry child. All who knew the family were not optimistic about her chances of breaking the cycle. Absent from school and physically neglected, social services placed Sapir in an Emunah Home.

The early years were not easy, but after years of support and dealing with her issues, Sapir grew and matured. She began to show more interest and commitment towards her schoolwork and became highly motivated. “You’ll see,” she once told us, “I’m going to show everybody and become the first member of my family to go to university.”

Sapir's achievements speak for themselves. She graduated from high school in June and has started her 2-year military service. Since she will have a full high school diploma, following her term in the army, Sapir will have the opportunity to indeed fulfil her dream to be the first university graduate in her family.  She has made herself, and everyone at the Emunah Centrer very proud of her hard-earned accomplishments.